Unit 3 reminder and checklist

Your Unit 3 paper is due tomorrow, July 16.  As you’re finishing up, please remember that the assignment is a bibliographical analysis, NOT an argumentative research paper. Don’t waste your time making points that you will only have to repeat in your Unit 4 paper. Don’t take a side on the issue … yet! The main thing you should be doing in THIS assignment is analyzing your bibliography. What do the sources you have chosen say? How do they work together? Although they all may be written about the same topic, note the ways they are different. What about them (who wrote them, where/when they were published, their authors’ rhetorical strategies) matters most?

Please make sure your paper has an up-to-date and correctly formatted Works Cited page, and remember to upload a digital copy of your paper to the dropbox on D2L. The Bibliographical Analysis is worth 15% of your grade, the contents of the Unit 3 Folder worth 5%.  Here’s what should be in it:

-Photoshop classwork

-Millennials and Racism classwork

-Synthesis Questions 1 and 2

-Synthesis Questions 3 and 4

-Synthesis Questions 5 and 6

-Rough draft with peer’s comments and Peer Review sheet

-Final draft

Unit 2 Folder Checklist

The final draft of both parts of Unit 2 is due tomorrow, on Thursday July 3rd. This includes 2A, the Annotated Bibliography (worth 15% of your grade for the class) and 2B, the Proposal Argument (worth 5%).  When revising, please take a look at your peers’ comments and my comments on the 2A draft, as well as the Essay 2 Guidelines and Rubric, which can be found on the blog.

The Unit 2 Folder is also due. Its contents are worth 50 points or 5% of your final grade.  Here’s what belongs inside:

– Annotation 1: Three Sociologists on Immigrants and Success
– Annotation 2: “How We Built The Ghettos”
– Annotation 3: Marissa Alexander

– Annotation 4: Undocumented Immigrants in Prison

– Annotation 5: Court Fees

– Annotation 6: World Cup article

– Rough draft of 2A
– Peer Review draft of 2A and 2B with comment sheet


REMEMBER:  Class meets tomorrow.  If you are planning to start your vacation early, it is your responsibility to get me your paper before you leave campus.

ALSO: Whether you will be in class or not, please upload your Unit 2A and 2B assignments to the correct D2L dropboxes!

Unit 1 Folder Checklist

The final draft of the Investigative Essay is due tomorrow, on Wednesday June 18th, and is worth 100 points, AKA 10% of your final grade for the class. When revising, please take a look at your peers’ comments as well as the Essay 1 Guidelines and Rubric, which can be found on the blog.

The Unit 1 Folder is also due. This should be an actual folder (NOT a binder, please) and its contents are worth 50 points or 5% of your final grade.

Here’s what should go inside:
– Response 1: What is Race? What is Class?
– Response 2: White Privilege
– Response 3: Tal Fortgang
– Rough draft of paper with Peer Review comment sheet